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Just recently, i found the following two English videos. Mel Robbins, a very charismatic and successful motivator from Boston, USA, presents her method she developed to give life a simple turn. It is not surprising that there are parallels to Babaji Maharaja's Vedic psychology, especially with regard to the importance of awareness in everyday life. The method of Mel Robbins essentially shows how this awareness can be practically restored as soon as the mind drifts off into negative thoughts and feelings, as he is always prone to do.

Basically, there are many techniques for character change in the market, and Babaji Maharaja once commented in a class on Madhurya-kadambini that all of these techniques are basically "small fires", which are also eventually extinguished. True, profound and lasting change can only be effected by Bhakti. On the other hand - and this is my justification for this article - such modern techniques can and should be combined with Bhakti. In other words, if my ultimate goal is Bhakti, and I use these modern techniques to re-focus my mind and strengthen my sadhana, then such techniques will unfold their true potential. For Bhakti makes everything flourish, and it is only by the grace of Bhakti that the greatest dreams come true.

In the first video (5 min) Mel Robbins explains her simple method:

Whenever the mind drifts away,
just count backwards from 5 to 1.

That's it. I beg your pardon? Indeed, because, through this very conscious act, the prefrontal cortex of your brain suddenly awakens and the mind is dragged from its agonizing daytime nightmares back into the liberating present. But have a look yourselves:


The second video is a very inspiring (i find at least) creative potpourri of different motivators, but the thread here also is the refreshingly simple method of Mel Robbins:


I have already successfully applied this method myself and can assure you that it really works. Highly recommended, if you would like to get up early 🙂