Willkommen im Forum

Liebe Besucher,
Liebe Devotees,

nach monatelanger intensiver und freudiger Arbeit an dieser Webseite zusammen mit unserer Webdesignerin bin ich sehr glücklich, dass nun alles soweit vollendet ist. Heute am 9.9.2016
ist zudem der Erscheinungstag von Shrimati Radharani, ein äußerst glücksverheißender Tag
für die Premiere unseres Forums und dieser Webseite als Ganzes.

Anstelle von Verhaltensregeln möchte ich einfach alle TeilnehmerInnen höflich darum bitten,
nett zueinander zu sein und auch bei Meinungsverschiedenheiten – die naturgemäß immer irgendwann bei Diskussionen auftreten werden – stets den guten Ton zu wahren.

Ich freue mich auf einen regen Austausch.

Euer Vedanta

Bitte oder Registrieren, um Beiträge und Themen zu erstellen.

Our new swapping platform

This is an experimental section that just came to my mind. Turbulent times are on the rise, and currencies such as the Dollar and the Euro, etc., will soon no longer exist in this form. In 2018 already, the abolition of cash will be a major issue in the European Union. Nobody really talks about it.

However, creative people always know how to help themselves. Here in Germany, for example, there are officially already some so-called regional currencies around, e.g. the Chiemgauer or the Urstromtaler (in Saxony), which are accepted by some local banks and companies as an alternative to the Euro, and which are intended to boost regional economic growth (after all, those currencies are - as the name already suggests - exclusively valid within their allocated region).

Another way to live even without cash or with a strongly weakening currency is that everyone uses their abilities and talents for the other, and in turn receives the services of the other person who is a professional in another field, or the countervalue of the work (we may rather speak of Seva, because all of us here want to please Krishna) in the form of goods. This is called swapping.

Nevertheless, some kind of currency could be used as a conversion factor in order to be able to compare the mutual goods and services more easily, so that it is somewhat fair. For the sake of simplicity, i suggest taking the time for the respective Seva for this purpose. Whether it is constructing a pizza oven, designing a website or preparing another‘s tax declaration - the time is decisive (sometimes, of course, material expenditures must be taken into account as well). Furthermore, i suggest that the currency be Bhakti-coins or Bhakti-pounds (in German, the term Bhakti-Taler may be more appropriate). One Bhakti-coin would then equal 10 minutes of Seva. For a Seva of 1 h, for example, you would have earned 6 Bhakti-coins ?

Our new market place also may include physical items like books or even bikes and cars etc. But please only ask for Seva or Bhakti-coins or any other (precious) items like e.g. foodstuffs etc. in return. No Euros, no US-Dollars and no British Pounds - not even Indian Rupees.

I would also suggest that the contact between Seva-seeker and Seva-provider be finalized here in our Bhakti-Facebook, i.e. our "Community Newsfeed". Your offers and requests, however, you please post here in the forum.

Of course, i am fully aware that there is no price for pure Bhakti and that it is actually selfless service etc. etc. … but i think you are getting the idea. Please feel free to share your thoughts and further ideas.

I have been thinking about it in the meantime.

I would further suggest to couple the Bhakticoin to precious metal silver. Silver (Ag) has an atomic mass of 108, the Vedic lucky number.

Atomic mass of Silver

One ounce of silver currently equals 15 euros. It seems therefore appropriate that:

1 ounce of silver = 1 Bhakticoin
for 1 hour of Seva


But as long as the above is not established together with other experienced devotees (Babaji Maharaja would like to leave this development to us), we can also trade and exchange in Euros, Dollars, Rupees, etc.

The market place is now open for all currencies!